Insolo Check out the services provided by In Solo.

In Solo - an expert enterprise in Ground Handling - offers to its customers a differentiated service, focusing on the agility and on the quality on the provision of its loading and unloading aircraft services, luggage sorting out and cleaning - without leaving aside what it considers essential: the operational safety. Through the continuous investment in the qualification of its employees and on the resources used, it stands out in the segment offering the best existing services on the market.
Through its own methodology, in a short time IN SOLO can carry out the efficient cleaning of aircrafts, guaranteeing a satisfactory result in the hygiene of the aircraft, thus allowing a pleasant trip to the occupants of the next flight. QTU's drinking water supply, QTA, and toilet waste collection services are always offered, with full attention to details, so that everything happens according to the expected quality. A steady dedication of the work team is the service offered you to have an unforgettable flight experience.

Another specialty is the service offered to the executive aviation, exclusively serving private aircrafts and charters with all the security and the comfort that are registered trademarks of IN SOLO. Providing excellent ground experience, with careful looking after passengers and crew, loading and unloading of luggage, assistance on the push-back, promoting the quick cleaningof the aircraft. Comfort, safety and discretion essential qualities for a great flight.
Through state-of-the-art equipment, duly qualified collaborators, In Solo guarantees the loading and unloading of cargo on cargo aircrafts and terminals with all the needed quality and safety.
Everything is handled with agility and care. Allowing deliveries to occur on its due time and without prejudice to the transported material.